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The ideal gift

Hotel vouchers for the singles hotel AVIVA****s make friends

A vacation with your best friend, a gift for a friends’ trip, a gift for a single friend? Give the right gift with an AVIVA Hotel voucher!

Whether an AVIVA voucher, a package, a voucher for the AVIVA Alm , a beer tasting in the Brau Boutique or for a day spa in the AVIVA wellness area.

The ideal gift for singles or for your best friend. How about some time for a mother-daughter vacation? A special gift for Christmas, Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day. Give the gift of time out in a wellness hotel and give your loved ones a special treat.

Simply create an AVIVA voucher online with a personal dedication, receive it by email in just a few minutes and print it out yourself. The ideal last-minute gift! We will be happy to send the voucher personally by post with a beautiful envelope and a hotel folder. Of course, a voucher can also be purchased directly at the hotel reception.

We hope you enjoy giving a voucher from Hotel AVIVA.

Upgrade für Deinen Gutschein gesucht?

In unserem AVIVA Brau-Boutique Shop findest Du das ideale Upgrade für AVIVA Gutscheine. Wähle aus selbstgebrauten Bieren, hoteleigenen Gin, Weine bis hin zu Bieren aus aller Welt, SPA Produkten, Kochbüchern und vieles mehr.

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